39. Week 16 – The Return Of Premiums! (Slightly)

DISCLAIMER: This is a simulated educational exercise using paper trading fake money. This is not investment advice and is not intended to be copied.


  • Trades Monday 17 July
    • SOLD 1 NFLX 21 JULY 23 400 PUT@2.75
    • SOLD 1 ENPH 21 JULY 23 192.5 PUT @2.18
    • BOUGHT (To Close) 1 SEDG 28 JULY 23 250 PUT @1.25 (Profit of 1.10)
  • Trades Tuesday 18 July
    • None
  • Trades Wednesday 19 July
    • None
  • Trades Thursday 20 July
    • SOLD 1 AXP 21 JULY 23 170 PUT @0.82
  • Trades Friday 21 July
    • EXPIRED 1 NFLX 400 PUT
    • EXPIRED 1 ENPH 192.5 CALL
    • EXPIRED 1 AXP 170 PUT

Week In Review

Premiums are starting to come back! They’re far and away from last quarter’s earnings season but a hell of a lot better than the last month and a half.

On Monday, the AI flagged NFLX at $400 as a high likelihood to expire (it was trading around $450 at the time). Sure enough it dropped a bunch by Friday, but only down to $427. So I was easily able to keep the $2.75 premium for a 5 day hold.

Also on Monday I saw my SEDG put from the previous week had dropped in value quite a bit. Rather than risk holding onto the stock I knew nothing about I decided to jump out and net a nice $1.10 profit for barely a two day hold.

Finally Monday I wrote my ENPH call as planned. A decent sized premium for how far OOTM it was in my opinion.

Nothing else was of interest the rest of the week until Thursday. On Thursday the AI flagged AXP. It was fairly close to being ITM but it had a high confidence of expiration. The premium wasn’t high but it was only a 1 day hold and it’s not too expensive of a stock, so I pulled the trigger.

On Friday my NFLX and ENPH options expired rather uneventfully. AXP was a bit of a nail biter but I pulled out ahead.

Portfolio Standings

Portfolio Value (Open) (M)$ 108,838.00
Portfolio Value (Close) (F)$ 109,275.00 
Change (M-F)0.40 %
Change (Tot)9.28 %
Free Cash (Close)$ 91,494.00 
Escrowed Cash (Close)$ 0
Equities (Close)$ 17,748.00 
Trades Made (M-F)3
Friday, 21 July 2023 Report

Closing Thought

Please let premiums come back soon! Earnings season is in full swing now, surely something will shake it up.

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