30. Week 8 Wrap Up

DISCLAIMER: This is a simulated educational exercise using paper trading fake money. This is not investment advice and is not intended to be copied.


  • Trades Thursday 25 May
    • None
  • Trades Friday 26 May
    • BOUGHT (To Close) 1 WDAY 26 MAY 23 180 PUT @0.08 (Profit of 1.08)
    • SOLD 1 CRWD 2 JUNE 23 140 PUT @2.9
    • BOUGHT (To Close) 1 CRWD 2 JUNE 23 140 PUT @2.08 (Profit of 0.82)
  • Took advantage of an easy ~3 hour hold of CRWD for a decent premium

Today In Review

Thursday 25 May was a busy day for me, the market looked complicated, and therefore I didn’t trade.

Friday 26 May I had a little bit more time. First thing, not long after the market opened my limit order to buy back my WDAY option was executed. WDAY had risen significantly overnight. If I was more on top of things I would have let it expire, but it’s only an $0.08 premium wasted so no big deal.

Turning to the AI, CRWD was lighting up green by all models:

Investigating the technicals I saw a familiar story:

The RSI was overbought but the MACD and Ichimoku cloud were bullish. It seems this AI is fairly good at finding these types of stocks. Feeling more and more confident I decided to dive in. While trading at $153 I wrote a put for $140 netting a $2.90 premium.

Three or so hours later I came back to the brokerage and noticed it was already trading decently lower than before. I had a chance to buy it back for almost a dollar less. Not wanting any stress over the holiday weekend I decided to go for it. So while trading at $154 I was able to buy it back at a $2.08 premium, netting a $0.82 profit for only a few hours hold.

Portfolio Standings

Portfolio Value (Open) (Thurs)$ 104,716.50 
Portfolio Value (Close) (Friday)$ 104,905.50
Change (R-F)0.18%
Change (Tot)4.91%
Free Cash (Close)$ 80,785.50 
Escrowed Cash (Close)$ 7,600.00 
Equities (Close)$ 16,520.00 
Trades Made (R-F)3
Fri, 26 May 2023 Report

Closing Thoughts

At the end of 8 weeks and heading into the holiday weekend here’s where I stand:

The Good

  • Portfolio is up 4.91% vs a target of 4%.
  • At this time over 80% of my portfolio is in free cash ready to make a trade
  • I’ve been able to accomplish this with no leverage and only 5-10 min per day

The Bad

  • Portfolio success is somewhat dependent on ENPH until I can dump it
  • Probably missing out on bigger gains if I would take more risk
  • Need to time better entry / exit points instead of relying on options to expire

Market is closed Monday for the Memorial Day holiday, short week next week!

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