34. Week 11 – Waiting For Premium

DISCLAIMER: This is a simulated educational exercise using paper trading fake money. This is not investment advice and is not intended to be copied.


  • Trades Monday 12 June
    • None
  • Trades Tuesday 13 June
    • None
  • Trades Wednesday 14 June
    • SOLD 1 SEDG 16 JUNE 23 260 PUT @1.1
  • Trades Thursday 15 June
    • None
  • Trades Friday 16 June
    • EXPIRED 1 SEDG 16 JUNE 23 260 PUT
  • No premiums to be found this week!

Week In Review

A full week in one post again. Much like last week, there wasn’t sufficient put side premiums for me to feel justified entering into a trade in the current conditions. The market is overall at 52 week highs and a lot of the usual suspects (NVDA, TSLA, NFLX) are all trading at the top of massive rallies. The put side premium for something ~5% down on a stock over $300 would be like $1, which I didn’t feel comfortable entertaining.

I executed a single trade all week, mostly out of boredom. While trading at $271 I wrote a put for SEDG at $260 for a lowly $1.10 premium. This expired two days later so I kept the full amount. Otherwise it was not an easy market for hunting given my risk tolerance and time to analyze the market. Hoping next week will be a bit more fruitful.

Portfolio Standings

Portfolio Value (Open) (M)$ 107,199.00  
Portfolio Value (Close) (F)$ 108,406.00
Change (M-F)0.77%
Change (Tot)8.41%
Free Cash (Close)$ 90,225.00 
Escrowed Cash (Close)$ 0
Equities (Close)$ 18,181.00 
Trades Made (M-F)1
Friday, 16 June 2023 Report

Closing Thoughts

One more week of low premiums. Hoping week 12 is better. Week 12 also will see my ENPH call expire – maybe it’s time I finally sell those shares and get back to a full cash portfolio.

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