12. A Down Day?

DISCLAIMER: This is a simulated educational exercise using paper trading fake money. This is not investment advice and is not intended to be copied.


  • Trades today
    • None
  • Currently have two put contracts written which are both in the money, need to decide tomorrow if I should take a loss or risk being put the stock

Today In Review

Not too much to report on today. With 80% of my portfolio locked up in trades and a busy work day, I wasn’t too attentive during trading hours.

There were two events that happened outside of market hours of note however.

As mentioned in yesterday’s post NFLX slightly missed rev targets in their earnings report after hours and the stock price immediately tanked. However it recovered for the most part during the conference call to ~$327. It traded mostly sideways today at ~$323. This puts my $330 put contract ITM, but with a $12 premium I still have some wiggle room. I may buy it back tomorrow to just stay safe.

TSLA today reported earnings after hours. They were very close to their targets but ultimately missed rev and EPS, had worse margins than expected, and their stock quickly dropped. TSLA closed today at $180.59 and at time of writing is down to $169.70. This puts my $170 put in the money as well. Like NFLX I have to make a decision tomorrow.

Portfolio Standings

Portfolio Value (Open)$ 102,226.00
Portfolio Value (Close)$ 102,226.00
Change (Day)
Change (Tot)2.23%
Buying Power (Close)$ 21,600.00
Trades Made Today0
Wednesday, 19 April 2023 Report

Closing Thoughts

Tomorrow I may buy back NFLX to keep that safe. But since this is an experiment and a simulation, I think I’ll actually let myself get put TSLA so I can get a turn at writing some calls against it.

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