9. Closing Out Week 2

DISCLAIMER: This is a simulated educational exercise using paper trading fake money. This is not investment advice and is not intended to be copied.


  • Trades today
    • None
  • Expirations today
    • -1 put for HUBS

Today In Review

Happy Friday! Today’s a quick update. I was on a road trip today so was unable to trade during market hours. However I positioned my portfolio to be ready! I hit my weekly target earlier in the week so all I had to do today was sit back with my limit orders to close in place and hope I didn’t miss any underpriced opportunities.

Thankfully today was another sideways day in the market so my HUBS contract expired without being put that stock. This frees up $40k of money from the cover, which is certainly nice going into next week.

The AI charts were again this week showing the usual suspects, however NFLX is beginning to light up even more in some of the additional models. This makes me feel pretty good about my trade last week. I think on Monday morning I’ll take another look at the charts and consider a second position, maybe just a simple purchase of a call to not leave myself overly exposed.

Portfolio Standings

Portfolio Value (Open)$ 101,743.00 
Portfolio Value (Close)$ 101,743.00 
Change (Day)
Change (Tot)1.74%
Buying Power (Close)$ 67,000
Trades Made Today0
Friday, 14 April 2023 Report

Closing Thoughts

Two weeks in and I’m at 1.74% profit vs my target of 1%. A large portion of this was the NFLX premium I wrote last week, so all could change quickly. But it’s great seeing this short momentum already when only spending 10 minutes a day trading. Let’s hope this can be sustained in future weeks

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