4. First Trading Week Success?

DISCLAIMER: This is a simulated educational exercise using paper trading fake money. This is not investment advice and is not intended to be copied.


  • Trades today
    • None (waiting for options to expire today)
  • Preparing for next week

Today In Review

Happy expiration day! Today two of my put contracts expired, giving me full control of that capital again!

Other than sitting and watching the money roll in, today was an easy day. I thought about making moves for next week but volume seemed a bit lower today so I decided to sit and wait

As a preview for next week there is one stock in particular I am watching. My AI is showing a possible uptrend throughout next week. My plan is to watch it evolve and jump on when the premium is right:

Portfolio Standings

Portfolio Value (Open)$ 100,425.00 
Portfolio Value (Close)$ 100,425.00 
Change (Day)
Change (Tot)0.43%
Buying Power (Close)$ 82,000 
Trades Made Today0 (2 expirations)
Thursday, 6 April 2023 Report

Closing Thoughts

The market is closed tomorrow for Good Friday, so that leaves me with a 0.43% profit for the week. Notably this is under my goal of 0.5% and in retrospect is a direct cause of the almost $50k I had to lock up for the UNH put. Even though it was “Easy money” for that premium, the yield was perhaps not justified by the opportunity cost. I’m going to think more closely about this for next time!

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