35. Week 12 – Waiting For Premium, Still…

DISCLAIMER: This is a simulated educational exercise using paper trading fake money. This is not investment advice and is not intended to be copied.


  • Trades Monday 19 June
    • None
  • Trades Tuesday 20 June
    • SOLD 1 FDX 23 JUNE 23 215 PUT @3.2
  • Trades Wednesday 21 June
    • None
  • Trades Thursday 22 June
    • None
  • Trades Friday 23 June
    • EXPIRED 1 FDX 23 JUNE 23 215 PUT
    • EXPIRED 1 ENPH 23 JUNE 23 200 CALL
  • No premiums to be found this week again!

Week In Review

These summer weeks where Wall Street is on Holiday and with little to no earnings sure takes the fun out of option trading. As a broken record I’ll sit here and say I once again couldn’t find many premiums at all that were enticing enough to trade around. In my risk range, for the most part premiums were under $1 and usually even under $0.50 for even a $400 stock. I do not want to put myself up for that, so I sat on my hands.

On Tuesday I did see a shockingly good premium for FDX, and the AI was pretty adamant that it was safe. So while FDX was trading around $231 I wrote a put at $215 for a nice $3.20 premium. Overnight FDX dropped a bit, but never enough to risk the option. By the end of the week FDX was back to $232 so I guess we’re all happy here.

Portfolio Standings

Portfolio Value (Open) (M)$ 108,406.00
Portfolio Value (Close) (F)$ 106,414.00 
Change (M-F)( 1.84 )%
Change (Tot)6.41%
Free Cash (Close)$ 90,545.00 
Escrowed Cash (Close)$ 0
Equities (Close)$ 15,869.00 
Trades Made (M-F)1
Friday, 23 June 2023 Report

Closing Thoughts

My portfolio dropped quite a bit this week with ENPH, but cash is still up. My ENPH call from a couple months back has now expired, which puts me basically at a “break even” point. If premiums are still bad next week I’ll look to aggressively write closer to ITM calls on ENPH with the hope of being rid of it soon.

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