27. Closing Out Week 7

DISCLAIMER: This is a simulated educational exercise using paper trading fake money. This is not investment advice and is not intended to be copied.


  • Trades Thursday 18 May
    • BOUGHT (To Close) 1 NVDA 26 MAY 23 277.50 PUT @0.03
  • No time to do anything else this week, on to week 8!

Today In Review

Covering Thursday and Friday this week together, there was again not much activity due to time constraints on my own part.

Thursday morning I saw my open NVDA put was trading at $0.03 premium, so I decided to close that position out. That was a less than 24 hour hold for over $4 premium! Loved that trade. Outside of this I had no other activity Thursday / Friday. I’m worried I missed some large premiums for next week, but didn’t have any time to investigate.

Portfolio Standings

Portfolio Value (Open) (Monday)$ 103,923.00 
Portfolio Value (Close) (Wednesday)$ 103,784.50 
Change (R-F)( 0.13 )%
Change (Tot)3.78%
Free Cash (Close)$ 87,547.50 
Escrowed Cash (Close)$ 0.00
Equities (Close)$ 16,237.00 
Trades Made (R-F)1
Friday, 19 May 2023 Report

Closing Thoughts

ENPH dragging down the portfolio a bit, looking forward to closing that position out in a month!

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